Tuesday 30 August 2011

Talking of heroes

Who are heroes and who are cowards?  I think we would agree that to serve your own country and your duly elected government are naturally the duties of the citizens. But when the foreign powers conquered our country and forced their occupation authority on us then naturally we have every right to fight against the aggressors . We all know that our country had been colony of the British Empire and during the second world war she was beaten by the Japanese Imperial Army and those who served the former Imperial Army can hardly be called heroes because obviously they had died as best the mercenaries and scouts for the Colonialists. Subsequently the people organised their own forces to fight the Japanese occupation forces along with their lackeys comprising of the local mercenaries and also some foreign mercenaries from Taiwan etc. Those who served under the occupying aggressors can hardly be called heroes . A more appropriate word would be Traitor! So also when the local people rose up against the return of the British Imperial foreign, those who joined in with the British Imperial forces to suppress the local resistance forces could hardly be heroes. They should be more appropriately called mercenaries,henchmen and traitors. History cannot be twisted and it is quite clear who are heroes and who are not!

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