Tuesday 31 July 2012

Illogical Argument

I think it very illogical to require would-be believer to read Bibles and understand the so-called truth before you are eligible to know more about Christianity. It is very absurd to declare that ours is the only true God and that the only argument is Jesus is the only perfect man god and that you have to trust him and everything will be alright. If their evangelism has not better logic and content, I think they will distance themselves from the multitude.

Monday 30 July 2012

Must Travel

After having visited a few new places, I now feel it would be necessary to move around and get to know more places and people. We need to have a wider perspective in our outlook and we certainly would be curious to know more about how others are living in all parts of the world. The world is a family and we should learn to know more to be able to love them.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

从diu na ma 和chou gi bai 说起

小时候在树膠园割膠,左隣有老妪帶两个孩子工作因为清晨膠园很静所以他们交谈都清淸楚楚,可是他们的谈话简直不堪入耳.兄弟之间都开口闭口diu na ma 把它当做口头惮而老母生气时也以髒话开首和结束语!几十年后的今天右隣竟有个四十多的婦人每每以chou gi bai叫口头惮責骂她的親生儿女.她无论什么时后都会用高八度的大喉哤大肄叫嘯,时而失去控制甚至引耒附近警探耒探查.由于她叫骂声吵醒了孫子女不得不求她不要在三更半夜一连串的chou gi bai她答以只是家常谈天只是她是天生的高音大喉哤,我只好自嘆无言矣.不过爱之深责之切,她儿子大学畢后也找到工作而女儿在大学最后一年.对这些家庭耒说,髒话有如口头惮和无意识的惡习,还好沒有对后辈傷害太大.


在我们的国家篱笆是不可或缺的.在北欧这裡住家很少有圍篱笆,有些甚至没有栅门或沒有关上,柵门如同虚設.近耒由于中东北非很多难民擁入,治安开始恶化,时有破屋行窃发生.这个福利国税務很高,高到有些公民情願在家享清福也去打工.基本上他们还是保守的,他们还保留他们的国王,在节日里很多老百姓都擁到皇宮四周观看皇宫衛隊操步与換班仪式,甚为壯观. 有項普通的小事也顺便一提;他们对行人很客气和有耐性,驾车老远看到有行人接近班马线就马上停车讓路,当然也有少數例外.

Monday 2 July 2012

Free Strawberries any taker?

This is now midsummer in Sweden and some strawberries farm invite visitors to come to visit their farms to pick and choose from their farm on the spot. They can just pick and choose and freely sample their harvest . Even when they return with their harvest they are only charged for those they present themselves to the cash counter for payment at 55 kroners per kilo which is just the same as supermarket or other markets.  There is no limit on what you can put into your mouths. Some young people can consume nearly two thirds of their picks and pay for one third. The average is normally about 50% down in the stomach so what you have to pay is already 50% cheaper plus the happiness of being on the spot witnessing the berries farm and the scenery there. It is really good fun!