Sunday 17 February 2013

The Silent Killer

It has been found that a lot of people are affected by high blood pressure. It is not a simple matter as the high blood pressure needs to be closely followed up and checked. Quite a few are not aware of the seriousness of high blood pressure and assume that by itself there is no much harm. But the wrong idea can cost you life as high blood pressure if left untreated can lead to many serious ailments such as kidney impairment, damage to liver function and other complications.  When the kidney is damaged there is no cure and it cannot be revived . So beware of this silent killer and monitor your blood pressure closely and take medication as prescribed.

Sunday 10 February 2013


People growing older have more fears and uncertainties in life and they tend to have rational or irrational and some unfounded fears. Well fear of illnesses and even death would be enough to last a long long time.  It is therefore quite possible that the fears may lead a few to seek the consolation of unknown supernatural powers in the forms of spirits, gods and faiths in various sorts.  Actually there should be no need to get scared in life especially as we are towards the end of our journey and so long as we have done our best to make our lives worthy of living there should not be any fear or apprehension or regret as these negative emotions do not augment to our health and what is more it all contributes to deterioration in qualities of life. Well fellow travellers, just bravely face the remaining years of the golden times and we may yet be victorious fighters.