Wednesday 31 August 2011

The Seven Associations

The setting of a new body consisting of 7 dialectical associations is apparently an untimely one and serves only to disunite Chinese with a view clearly shown to be political. The existing association of all Chinese descents has long cater for all the dialectical groups and the setting up of a separate body is to confuse the Malaysian Chinese and clearly set to split the Chinese with a view to mislead them to be part of a plot to form the core of divide and rule policy under the lone-ranger politician who craves the favour of only one top man while losing out to his former comrade and supporters.  The leaders of the seven splinter group should be chastised for this very unwise act and let all the members of the seven associations hold special general meetings to chase out the so-called leaders who represent only themselves!

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Talking of heroes

Who are heroes and who are cowards?  I think we would agree that to serve your own country and your duly elected government are naturally the duties of the citizens. But when the foreign powers conquered our country and forced their occupation authority on us then naturally we have every right to fight against the aggressors . We all know that our country had been colony of the British Empire and during the second world war she was beaten by the Japanese Imperial Army and those who served the former Imperial Army can hardly be called heroes because obviously they had died as best the mercenaries and scouts for the Colonialists. Subsequently the people organised their own forces to fight the Japanese occupation forces along with their lackeys comprising of the local mercenaries and also some foreign mercenaries from Taiwan etc. Those who served under the occupying aggressors can hardly be called heroes . A more appropriate word would be Traitor! So also when the local people rose up against the return of the British Imperial foreign, those who joined in with the British Imperial forces to suppress the local resistance forces could hardly be heroes. They should be more appropriately called mercenaries,henchmen and traitors. History cannot be twisted and it is quite clear who are heroes and who are not!

Monday 29 August 2011


Sometimes, it is strange to find that people do have some sort of taboos in their daily life and many a time it can lead to tragedy eventually. Recently a girl died because she had always objected to being examined by doctors , many of whom happen to be males especially the specialists.If she had no such taboo she would long ago be found to have breast cancer at the early stage and be rid of such menace with the operation and follow-up treatments. It is foolish to refuse to be examined by males and she paid such mistake with her life.  Of course not all have the same problems but still many have taboos of one kind or another. Some even refuse to see doctors, specialists and only see Chinese druggists and physicians. Not that Chinese physicians are not good enough but there are limits what they can do. We still need all the sophisticated medical equipments  special ly developed in the labs and new effective drugs to treat many new diseases. Why not be subject to all scientifically well proven methods of treatments before going to traditional drugs/druggists? Act before it is too late and be fast to race against the fast-paced diseases and menaces.

Friday 26 August 2011

Change of the world

It seems there are more ways to cause changes in governments and rules. It is now fastfood method of toppling the ruling cliques and make sweeping changes. But of course the newly set-up peoples' governments may still have lots of problems as there are still many remnants of the previous regimes and other forces. But anyway, it is the first time that the wind of change has so far made sweeping changes to the establishment in the shortest time possible and many peoples find themselves facing new life and freedom from obsolete governments. Of course we know there were bloodsheds and many heroes and vanguards were being slaughtered by the dictators and corrupt leaders who of course did not easily give up their ill-gotten gains and wealth bleeding even the last drops of the revolutionaries' blood.

Thursday 25 August 2011


Now the time has come when homosexuality is no longer a taboo or a crime any more. More and more people are more sophisticated and better informed on various subjects including the one I am talking about. So I again urge my friends and foes alike that it is not only foolish to join in the bandwagon to fight homosexuality as heinous what is worse is you may be utilised by ill-intentioned people to persecute perfectly harmless ones while the corrupt political crooks are free to commit daylight robbery of public funds and even openly using the weapons from the defence dept arsenals to bomb the victimised human being into smithereens! Justice will be done although it is slow sometimes but we know justice will eventually punish the murderers and the assistants even such one time strong and powerful men as Gaddafi!

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Follow Suit

Since we are young we have been bottled fed in our childhood, school days, and the society. We have to follow all sorts of rules and laws set down so that we have long time ago lost our own initiative and thinking for ourselves. We are good only as followers of the establishment. That is why our society takes a long time to accept new things and new ideas least of all the changes. It is high time that we should let our children know what learning is all about. They should learn how to think for themselves and not be spoonfed with all the rules and laws which might have been out of date and really obsolete. If we want to have a healthy society and really democratic country we must have truly educated and sophisticated citizens who cannot be bullied or cheated by the crooks and liars.

Thursday 18 August 2011

A Good Sign

The so-called most populous democratic nation of the world , India is now having big trouble because there is a great people's movement against the serious problem of corruption. A great leader in the style of Gandhi has come to lead the anti-corruption movement and he is fasting for real until there is change in the political authority and will not  stop until the corruption problem is seriously tackled. He is great and India is saved if all the people will rise up to follow him!

Monday 15 August 2011

A Great Misunderstanding

Recently in small-scale old student reunion , a great misunderstanding made the reunion a disaster in the end all because of a joke .  An old classmate phoned me up to meet a female classmate from outstation and we had a refreshment at a small eating stall. In the course of enjoying good food, we naturally talked of the old classmates and the related subjects. We boys also mentioned the secret admiration of the female classmates and of course, there was laughter and jokes quite harmless. But somehow after she has left Kuching, I met my old friend again later. During our meet, I teased him for his eagerness and very visible admiration of the former lady classmate. I jokingly teased her about it later in our emails exchange. She tried to argue heatedly that they had not behaved untowardly during their meeting  with me on the spot and was angery for my implying anything more pure friendship. I did explain to her that what he said was just that he had feeling for her though she may not know nor did she reciprocated the feeling and then she just stopped all emails or phonecalls altogether. Thus, I have just lost one old classmate /friend just bcause I was not very careful in making jokes.

Friday 12 August 2011

Making money from blogging?

I just found out that some peculiar person is trying to use others to promote the sale of his books merely a collection of his comments, photoes, and things more of a personal liking than public interests. He made use of a generous former comrade to force sell his books which are more and more of private and personal interest than public concern edging more and more towards those good-for nothing retired teachers and literary men acting more and more like even more conservative than the diehard rogues. I feel disgusted with such tendency of personal likings and such trivial things. So I am not going to be a buyer for the sake of maintaining a long lost friendship.

Sunday 7 August 2011

The Big Towkay's Son

I know him as a second generation prodigal son of a very wealthy man and he is the only one left after his brother died in a car accident. He is the elder but there was no love lost between him and his father who had at one time tried to disown him for squandering a lot of money in his endeavour at shares gambling in which he lost a lot of money that his father charged to his office and threw the computer down the pavement. So with his liking of gambling etc, he now begins to pay his attention to the politics starting with his domain in an Oil Town.  He has all the support from his kaki tangan so that he thinks it is time to take over from the small time players who have all the time being paid for from his coffers making think that if he could come out himself he would do better  than those who only know how to ask for handouts and made poor show in the election just completed.. He did not learn a lesson from his friend who lost in the recent election and thought he could be a better gambler as he has enough capital to do so. So let's bless him any way for his vainglory!

Thursday 4 August 2011

Son of A tycoon

Recently a son of a timber tycoon suddenly seeks to stand as candidate to contest the seat of a chairman of a certain branch of a ruling party. The party members are very sensitive and his opponents have attacked him by pointing an accusing finger at all rich men for interfering their party affairs to influence the members with their great wealth which contribute a lot to their party coffers.  It is a fact that no one can deny that rich and powerful men use their money to control the party so as to generate more profit as it is only natural being businessmen they regard the party machinery as one of their money printing machine. It is a pity that democracy is like something dangling in front of the members while chasing it is just futile!  This also serves as an eye-opener to the general populace and the electorates. Wipe your eyes and see clearly whom to vote in the coming election!

Tuesday 2 August 2011

The Old Flame-------------

Recently I went to meet a former classmate from abroad and my classmate here was totally a different person on meeting her.  I am not a sensitive person and I did not notice anything unusual until right after her visit I went to see him here at his home. After some deep talks, he confessed to me that the old lady has been his old flame and I suddenly become aware that they did hold hands and he even patted on her shoulder.  Anyway, they are both in the seventies, what is past is past. The past can only be a good memory  He is a widower and she a mother and grandmother of plenty of children and grandchildren. But from what I saw he was being really inspired by her visit and changed to a new and smart person overnight. So why deny him of the pleasure of meeting an old flame to fullfil his spiritual inspiration.