Sunday 14 July 2013

An Opportunist

A dog is a dog no matter where it is. Talking of the most condemned liar in West Malaysia , we cannot but talk of such opportunists in our East. Formerly a lone ranger happened to be elected to be a councillor but when it came some conflict of interest, the opportunist showed his true face and finally he came out to challenge the party leadership and was soundly defeated losing even his deposit. Now he has really sunk into oblivion and even has to pay compensation to his political antagonists. Of course we can't pity such political opportunist instead we should condemn his like.

Friday 12 July 2013

Don't Wait For The Right Time

Life is short and it waits for no man. Many of us have very beautiful ideals and expectations but we seldom try to do things worth doing and always imagine we would work miracle in some future time and we wait and wait but the opportunity does not come. There are actually many meaningful things that we can do and contribute to this world while still alive but we like to sink into fancies and procrastination until too late. Nothing is too small to be done and even anything that you just lift a finger to do would sometimes contribute to others and the world at large. Well now is the time to perform and do what we can to give our part .