Tuesday 26 March 2013

What A Serious Accusation!

It seems many serious accusations are just being swept under the carpet and not attended to. We wonder why no action has ever been taken by the relevant authorities either against the rumourmongers or the culprits  or the suspects. We have all the clear evidences in the video clips and other sources. To maintain the reputation of the authorities, action should be taken.

Thursday 14 March 2013

The Big Monkey's Acts

Now comes the time when more and more people are aware of the dirty tricks of the long entrenched vested interest clique and what ever the big monkey is playing in all the shows just do not impress the masses as they know full well who are responsible for the corruption now rampart in our country and whatever small gifts and carrots just won't do because they know it all comes from the National Treasury and the way they spent the treasury would not last too long.

Saturday 9 March 2013

Matters Of Vital Interest

It is vitally important that patients should follow the instructions of the doctors faithfully and there is no excuse to be smarter than your doctors.  There are many cases of people with high blood pressure who refuse to take the control medications and then suddenly had strokes and died without salvation. Many people think that since they are doing physical exercise and watch their diets living very healthy lives they can do away with the drugs but it is not that simple because without the protection of high blood pressure control drugs, many can be struck down by strokes and some even have the misfortune of kidney failure requiring dialysis which makes life hard and real painful. So to avoid such misfortune you can always protect yourselves by cooperating with your doctors to save yourselves!

Friday 1 March 2013

Great Men !

I am deeply impressed by some very strong handicapped people who overcome all sorts of difficulties to do their great parts in science of all fields while they themselves are involved in their daily struggle against all the hardship. One great scientist is badly deformed from birth and can't even speak nor move by himself but he still has made huge contribution to the study of the universe and he is till marching on in the scientific studies relentlessly all for the good of others. The spirit no doubt should greatly aspire all meet with any foreseen and unforeseen hindrances. We should not only conquer all hindrances but be brave enough to win in the struggle.