Thursday 4 August 2011

Son of A tycoon

Recently a son of a timber tycoon suddenly seeks to stand as candidate to contest the seat of a chairman of a certain branch of a ruling party. The party members are very sensitive and his opponents have attacked him by pointing an accusing finger at all rich men for interfering their party affairs to influence the members with their great wealth which contribute a lot to their party coffers.  It is a fact that no one can deny that rich and powerful men use their money to control the party so as to generate more profit as it is only natural being businessmen they regard the party machinery as one of their money printing machine. It is a pity that democracy is like something dangling in front of the members while chasing it is just futile!  This also serves as an eye-opener to the general populace and the electorates. Wipe your eyes and see clearly whom to vote in the coming election!

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