Tuesday 19 June 2012

The Change Taking Place

We must admit that our world is changing much faster than we can figure out what is happening. As we the past active elements in politics are growing old we have an impatient mind that is to see that we have a more fair and just society. The world around us is moving fast. I am not just saying the nuclear Holocaust of Japan, the earthquakes of Sumatra and Shichuan but rather the transforming of the old societies of the Arab world. No doubt this wind of change is sweeping the desert land of the Arab world but it also affects countries around the world in various ways. We have the great chance that we may still catch up with the time of change in our remaining golden years on earth. Don't just watch out and see like bystanders. All ye countrymen and women, do your part and push the rotten tree down ridding of all the termites and rats and parasites here in our country and we may yet see the twilight in the east. The east is red, ho.....

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