Sunday 2 October 2011


Nowadays, it  is not uncommon to hear of many marriages fail and what is more many of these couples are into their golden years. What is really wrong with this society? There are of course some cases of the involvement of a third party. But you would be surprised many of the failures in marriage are not caused by any third party nor related to sex or related problems instead they are caused by trivial matters; like the differences of characters, habits, beliefs and even some very small matters.  In the past, they bear with each other due to their involvement and dedication to business , children and livelihood . But after they have brought up their children, they just face squarely with each other . People become more and more obstinate having grown old and senile. So what can be bearable now becomes unbearable and when two people become like enemies, you know often times it would destroy love and marriages. When there is any problem, be honest and patiently sit down and discuss with the other half and with mutual reconciliation and grace, all problems can be solved or at least set aside. The tragedy of divorce can be avoided and should be for the sake of living a wholesome life for the duration of the golden remaining years.

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