Tuesday 15 May 2012

No Quarrels With Religions?

Is it a good policy to leave religions alone to avoid getting into troubles? I think it nearly the same as burying our heads in the sand. Nowadays, religious people are very active and aggressive in every corner of the earth.  They seek to propagate their beliefs with great zeal and piety.  I know many of these young people who really devote the best part of their lives into evangelism and sacrifice. Because of this, I think it time to go against the trend of wasting youth lives in pursuit of fruitless pilgrimages to such faith.  Some extremists would even go so far as to load themselves with bombs and dynamites to blow themselves up in the midst of their enemies to go to heaven by fast lanes. It is time that we the more clear headed thinking more in terms of humanity and good sense to try to say lives from such follies and hopeless pursuits.  In this respect we need to let the people know that the sermons and preaching are not based on fact nor logic. Wake up all men of religious faith and watch out lest you be destroyed this precious living instead of the promised perpetual life!

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