Saturday 24 March 2012

The Fact

It would be wonderful to recall that many years ago, I happened to receive a magazine called Truth which is actually the opposite of what it claims to be .  It is actually one of the issues by religious bodies to spread the good news whereby you can choose to believe in something that you can get everlasting life and you can even can food or whatever you need just be praying truthfully.  I feel it is all bullshits and you can never get anywhere by just praying and believing blindly. I say blindly because it is something unproven by any scientific experiments or any studies logically carried out. Although some believers argue that the belief is good and it is harmless to others because it preaches love and devotion to God pure and simple. But I think when the proposition is not proven you would be gravely misled by all sorts of half-truths and even lies.  The worst thing is you would be barred from the reality and fact by the precondition that you just devote to God and leave everything in His hand. Thaat is why so many devoters are being cheated by con-men who professed to be God or His representatives. Some such cheats from Korea had repeated attracted many ladies to become their followers and sex-slaves without any salvation at all!

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